Oof , my bad y’all I tooted.
White capitalism is what made black people slaves and pushed them into poverty.
Perhaps we need new ideas that help everyone.
Sadly, unless the Palestine people turn white all of a sudden, nothing will be done.
Is this fucking news ? The media needs to stop trying to play both sides , trying to get clicks , and trying to benefit from everyone’s fear for money.
This is how we keep getting into this situation.
Why do we continue to sugar coat this?
Republicans are Nazis.
Not me chief :
🎶 it destroys my tum tummmmm🎶
Hard 9
The OG Mr.Burns
“Nuclear launch detected”
Safer to be white and on meth while fappin than being black. SMH.
Simple, Palestinians are brown and have less resources that America wants/needs.
I’m with both Palestinians and Ukrainians.
Precious, love the King of the Hill inspired name :)