Dark age of Camelot. 6000 hours on my main character. I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…
Dark age of Camelot. 6000 hours on my main character. I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…
People downvoting me : feel free to add something. I get from the downvote that thinking it’s too late is unpopular opinion.
I’m not sure if triggering WW3 just before a guy not caring into NATO takes the lead is a good idea, that should have been allowed years prior…
Can’t those app offer this feature : replace all the original data by pseudo random data shifting the menstruation cycle in a way that would benefit the user at that moment ? Or : shift all data to x days (easier to undo)
It’s crazy that we live in a world where we have to think about such things…
Yes that’s crazy. The game has the Electronic Arts label and the servers are still operational. It’s not exactly the same servers but some people invested time and money into migrating the data without any guarantee that the player would login ever again.
And given that she is in the middle of the Shrouded Isle extension map, next visit will probably be in a few years. I bet she will still be exactly the same, unaffected by the time going on.
The Republican agenda is to strip the country of public services and make them private enterprises
Feedback from an European country : everything privatised in the last 15 years became more expensive for a worse quality of service. Belgian electricity market, phone, France electricity, etc …
Sorry English is not my primary language but thank you for that kindly worded correction. That’s indeed what I intended to say ;) I’ll remember that.
It already happened that I invited friends using a formula like : feel free to come in my house whenever you want. Same meaning ?
It will be as successfull as the twitter to x rebranding
That’s true. Thank you for sharing this.