It won’t run on Wayland, and instead using X that makes entire onlyoffice interface blurry. I use onlyoffice only when i need 1:1 compatibility with Microsoft format. I’m Still thankful it is existed.
A jazz music fan from Indonesia
It won’t run on Wayland, and instead using X that makes entire onlyoffice interface blurry. I use onlyoffice only when i need 1:1 compatibility with Microsoft format. I’m Still thankful it is existed.
True. Sometimes i drink too much just to cope
Almost everyone i know including me know this album along with OK Computer, thats when I was so young like 14 years old.
Few months ago, i tried to listen to some album that was popular back when i was in high school including Pablo Honey and OK computer, now i think those album are not very technical, lousy lyrics and pretentious.