Because they were both founded by fascists and exist solely to extend american military reach?
Then why are you here?
Sorry, that didn’t come across well via text I guess
I don’t know how you got that from my comment.
That’s fine, a mega-corporation can just buy their AI rights from their estates
“Mustard gas is a weapon of war. There is nothing immoral about employing it as such.”
I honestly hope you never have to experience war.
That looks like family to me and not a toe
Then I guess you’ll live in suspense.
If you scroll down, you’ll find out!
Easy mistake to make. The A(ustralian)BC actually predates the A(merican)BC by about a decade!
Nope. That’s been around since the 60s.
You might be mistaking the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for the American one.
New logo? It’s still the criss-crossing thing for me.
The new site design I hate though
Yeah that’s why rank and file members are risking jail time to protest with them
Australia has been an extension of the US since 1975, unfortunately.
I had a weird nightmare but I forgot it.
The other night I also had a weird nightmare involving zombies, a woodchipper, and a large and sturdy plate glass window.
Stab complete. Nurse was nice. Sitting around for 15 minutes and looking forward to getting back under my blanket.
Good chance I’ll get side effects because I’d put off the booster for too long. I’m not usually afraid of needles unless it’s an injection. Then they fuck with me. Blood tests? Ez pz go ahead here’s my veins they’re very visible (I get compliments all the time).
Injections? What if something goes wrong? What if my arm doesn’t stop bleeding? What if I get side effects? I’ll do it next week! doesn’t do it next week
Unlike my other big irrational fear, I can just shut this one off by reminding myself that that’s stupid and I’m being an idiot. Then I just avoid looking at it and don’t feel a thing.
The fear has returned a bit now that I’m sitting for 11 of 15 minutes and every slight feeling could be a lethal side effect woah aaaa!
Damn, me, if only you were in basically one of the best places to experience a side effect right now and have nothing to worry about even if you are right.
Okay that’s my ramble. The Morning Show is on and I needed to focus on less unpleasant things like serious side effects.
Go get yer shots. Don’t be a bad like I was.
Flu vaccine and covid booster today. Wish me luck.
Fraudsters aren’t being shipped to a regional prison in one of the most remote areas of the country lol
Weird how they’re doing the thing they accuse others of doing. Almost like it’s a confession.