You can expect this to get much worse next year. Planned Parenthood is one of the most important institutions in the fight against venereal diseases in this country and the Republicans hate it with a passion that burns like herpes.
When Mike Pence took over Indiana he managed to shoot it to the top of the chart in syphilis case diagnosis within a given ZIP code.
One time I went to the restaurant DAMON BAEHREL. I was informed afterwards that it had a 10-year waiting list and only seated 100 people a month. Despite having regularly commuted between the Midwest and the East Coast, getting there felt like the longest road trip I’ve ever taken since I had to go with my mother-in-law and some of it is on a gravel road.
I had to Google DAMON BAEHREL to spell it and I’m not going to bother retyping it.
It was far and away the most pretentious, absurd, cartoonishly fancy experience I’ve ever had, and I’ve dressed up in antique ceremonial Moroccan robes for a banquet at the art museum in the city I grew up in. At the art museum I sat next to the mayor’s mother in a room of 200 people conversely, about 30 people total could fit into DAMON BAEHREL.
I thought the art museum banquet was fancy, but when I was little I thought Boston Market and IBC root beer were fancy.
DAMON BAEHREL was the kind of place that serves a dozen ‘courses’ but each one is like one cracker one sliver of cheese and one spritz of condiment with maybe a sliver of sausage made from some bespoke farm animal. He insisted that the water we were drinking was actually unreduced tree sap. Everything was served on various slabs of wood some with the bark still on it. The slabs were so much larger than the food It looked like putting a coin on a serving platter for each course.
I just felt embarrassed every time I looked at the Damon and his staff. They had clearly heard his bullshit so many times that it was hard for them to feign credulity anymore.
Anyway, that shit was way too fancy for me. Clearly it was just wasted on me.
It shouldn’t have to be repeated so often that maybe Republican voters aren’t who the Democratic party needs to be gearing itself to attract.
When I saw my first textbook that had an XKCD comic in it I had A little bit of a squeal of joy. I’m old What do I know.
“Holmgard and beyond! That’s where the winds will us guide!!”
He also has a completely unhinged video about a unibikal I’m sure I misspelled that but I know that’s what he made because he’s completely unhinged.
I love this video so much but his entire channel is amazing.
The running of a super Nintendo game on Nintendo is batshit insane. This guy understands computer science and engineering in a way that makes it just seem like magic to me, and I’m a computer scientist who works as an engineer.
An immersion blender, it was $30 but it made my soups seem gourmet and let me recycle my gallons of lard into the best soap I have ever used.
Aside from that, I replaced two of my mismatched odd shaped PC monitors with 27" 4k monitors and the difference is amazing. The monitors were so cheap too only $110 each. Together with my super fancy main screens it really cleaned up the desktop.
There was a pretty great episode of Stargate that explained why offering a defensive technology like that is still offensive support.
In that circumstance we (earth) were literally just powering a shield and the good guys decided to stop supplying the fuel to power that shield because it turns out it was being used to defend the aggressive Nazi-like-analogs that were actually the instigators of the conflict.
I’ll take “why I’m not married” for 500 Alex.
Kahn is the real deal. I hope Harris keeps her and gives her anything she asks for.
Lina Kahn could be the trust buster we need to get America’s shit together and maybe reign in some of these big businesses that seem to be completely above the law.
He asked for kidney beans on toast not kidney on toast!
Your brothers and sisters are your siblings, but sibling is not a very affectionate word so I think most folks would say “brothers and sisters”, “compatriots” or “friends”.
The fight ahead is going to be a slog, but hopefully we can find solidarity, build a bigger tent, and unite under a banner of kinship and kindness.
For surely if we do not hang together we will hang separately.