Jebus, stop trying to find a single group to blame, it’s the entire god damn American public that’s at fault.

White, Latino, Blacks, Asians, men, women, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, atheists, Republicans, Democrats, progressives, everyone in America knew who Trump and Republicans are and screwed the pooch and the entirety of America.

    4 天前

    That’s not what those terms mean or why they are used as insults.

    And, generally speaking, a few ethnic/gender groups changed their voting strategies this election, while others didn’t. The articles calling out different demographics are pointing out reality. Those shifts affected the results of the election.

    That’s why they are being pointed out, instead of pointing out that one group did exactly what was expected of them and what they did last time, and the time before, and the time before…

    So I’d challenge you that it’s not recriminations or gross, it’s simply pointing out what changed and how it led to us being in our current spot. You can’t fix things/change course without understanding where you are.