Congrats! You’re now going to find out that some of your expenses will go down. Your insurance specifically and that unless you take out another loan on the house or got a balloon loan, your monthly bill won’t change. It’s a fun thing to find out.
It’s still a weird feeling when you’re 3 years later and everyone is complaining about their rent going up and yours is staying still. It kind of feels like cheating.
Congrats! You’re now going to find out that some of your expenses will go down. Your insurance specifically and that unless you take out another loan on the house or got a balloon loan, your monthly bill won’t change. It’s a fun thing to find out.
I’m counting on it 😅
It’s still a weird feeling when you’re 3 years later and everyone is complaining about their rent going up and yours is staying still. It kind of feels like cheating.