If a different company can make the same game, but better, then more power to them. They’ll have to overcome the wall of players that “dont want to play another horizon” as well as innovate to make it feel fresh.
If someone made a copy of legally-distinct bloodborne it would do beyond amazing if enough effort and love was put into it.
All of this to say, if the game is a cash grab with tracky drm or microtransactions then its not going to do well if it is like that PLUS a ‘rip-off’ of another game.
Just don’t preorder and see if its a cash grab first. Extremely difficult for some i know.
Well it’s going to be free to play so expect lots of garbage monetization
Yeah, remains to be seen but even Palworld got flack for copying Pokemon’s style even if it was a good game which I enjoy. I saw an article just a bit ago where the palworld developer was interviewed and he stated he felt he was still under the shadow of the AI copying accusations.
Still like you said, it’s one thing to copy an art style, another to actually make a good and compelling game.
Yeah looking at the art and screenshots they showed I could definitely mistake it for a Horizon game.
Ok. Did they do it better?
If it’s an improvement, I don’t really care if it’s a copy.
Imagine if after Doom, no one else was allowed to make another FPS, yet alone a space shooter.
Imagine if every FPS after Doom has the exact same art style as Doom.
Are we looking at the same artwork?