When the CPU cooler conflicts with the top of the RGB ram stick, an angle grinder is useful…
Is this the right time to tell you that sets of RAM should be inserted in slots 1+3 and 2+4 instead of 1+2 and 3+4 in the picture? 😬
It might be fine depending on your motherboard but if you are not aware, check the manual. If you are aware and this is fine, ignore me!
Picture is from dry-fitting. They were swapped before the final assembly.
Thanks, that puts me a bit at ease. Hope your DIYing works out well!
There are four sticks though. You obviously have to use every slot when you’re maxing out the capacity.
Is this the right time to tell you those metal spring clips are for raising the fan above the ram easily?
No, it’s not the right time. You obviously have to wait until spring.