Why you should know? Money.
LOL, drat, they’re on to me (I tried to get the $100 even though I voted):
Are you lying to Cards Against Humanity, [name redacted]? Big Data says you’re lying. Says you voted in 2020. Big Data knows a lot about you, [name redacted], and now we do too. So here’s a new proposal: how about you give Cards Against Humanity PAC $7.99, get 30 incredible new cards about the crazy shit that’s happened this year, and we’ll forget all about what you’ve done?
Honestly, I was expecting a stronger rebuke.
Being that it’s cards against humanity, I expected them to email a disapproving message to your mother.
The FAQ made me lol. Here’s my favorites.
How do you know who didn’t vote?
We formed a Super PAC and bought the personal voting records of every American citizen from a data broker we found on the internet. It’s pretty fucked up.
Is there some way I can force Elon Musk to pay $47 to Cards Against Humanity PAC?
Funny you should ask! If you’re a registered voter in PA, GA, NV, AZ, NC, WI, or MI, just type your name into this dumb website for his PAC, put “MuskIsDumb@cah.lol” as your referrer, and they’ll be legally obligated to pay us $47. The more people who do this, the more Musk money we’ll get to un-fuck America.
If he doesn’t pay up, we’ll sue him again.
I used to love your card games before you got all political. Your mom used to love you before you got so fucking stupid.
This is singlehandedly the best piece of satire I have ever seen, I was rolling the entire read, bravo. As a European, this reads like a black mirror episode.
To quote the website: “This should probably be illegal!”
Damn, can’t buy this pack of cards outside the USA
Makes sense with how they’re using the money
Oh for sure, just a PSA - once I found out there were cards I wanted some, then found out I couldn’t have them lol
They’ll undoubtedly get resold, hopefully for a reasonable price
I bought two PAC packs
Could someone explain how exactly this and what Musk is doing is legal? They mention a loophole, but don’t say what the loophole is
Neat message but shit site design. Color changing and shifting the font is awful to read.
'bit weird
Weird? No weird! Yer weird!
I don’t really like this campaign.
I liked their other anti-trump activism I heard about, but this serms unnecessarily demeaning and pathetic.
Demeaning towards whom? The human toilet also known as trumpler? Fuck that guy! Anyways, what did you expect from Cards Against Humanity? This is who they are. At least they’re promoting involvement.
Clearly you don’t know much about Cards Against Humanity.
clearly I sidestepped that highest echelon of worship and clarity.