The DNC has so much money that it’s now spending in Idaho.
Somewhere, Howard Dean is smiling
Shoulda grabbed someone by the pussy instead.
While RNC is siphoning all the money to support DonOld J. Trump and his family’s welfare
From the press releases, Harris has turned over some 30 million to down ballot races. Trump, not a lick.
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The nearly $2.5 million investment — shared first with POLITICO — aims to help break Republican supermajorities in deep-red states and strengthen voter engagement efforts across the U.S. It’s part of a broader push for increased local support by the DNC, which says it’s increased state party funding by 25 percent during Jaime Harrison’s tenure as chair.
Chump change compared to what the “victory fund” nonsense is robbing from the state parties…
This is 50k per state if split evenly, but it says 400k to Florida…
which says it’s increased state party funding by 25 percent during Jaime Harrison’s tenure as chair.
Just highlights how much the “victory fund” has fucked over state parties ever since Hillary dreamed it up in 2015.