I’m not even willing to enable screen lock so I can read this.
Hello there! I am the Wandering Wookiee. My passion for exploring takes me all over the galaxy, so when on your travels, be sure to keep an eye out for me!
I’m disappointed it didn’t say.
“Drink more Ovaltine !”
Wandering wookie says “I am the wandering wookie”. This is essential information.
i’m glad somebody got the reference.
(i assume the people downvoting my comment only know the word as an alt-right thing and are unaware of its earlier etymological journey which makes it a relevant response to this thread. in fairness, I’d forgotten how far they went with it in 2016 until I just read that wowpedia page 😬)
Wookiee. Double o, double e, but only one i.
Yes, that’s what I wrote
Learn to read, there are two e’s there, I would know, I wrote it.
Lots of games do this. I remember finding the chart to read the text in Commander Keen about 30 years ago.