Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.
Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.
Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).
I use it a lot. Ever since windows 8, the best way to use windows has been hit the windows key and type what you want.
Additionally there are a few shortcuts that are handy
Also “win + - > or <-” to move a tile to left or right side.
win + x brings up a useful alternate start menu
I often use win+v for the clipboard history and win+shift+s for taking screenshots.
Plus Win+arrow keys to move a window around, maximize, or minimize it. I use it ALL THE TIME.
win + ; for some fun ascii art
Win+ca+enter = calculator
Can you edit these key bindings?
I think you can edit the ctrl alt shift win ones, or at least add them for letters they haven’t sold