On Saturday evening, Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport in Paris. The arrest took place as Durov, accompanied by his
So, wading in here with a gut reaction and no nuance, he’s charged with all these crimes because the platform he runs has them being organized between its users?
Who do we arrest if a crime is organized via phone call on T-Mobile’s network, or via mail?
Is it a case of cooperation, where Telegram is completely refusing to help, or is it just a case of “encryption bad, privacy bad” from the French government?
So, wading in here with a gut reaction and no nuance, he’s charged with all these crimes because the platform he runs has them being organized between its users?
Who do we arrest if a crime is organized via phone call on T-Mobile’s network, or via mail?
Is it a case of cooperation, where Telegram is completely refusing to help, or is it just a case of “encryption bad, privacy bad” from the French government?