The book “I will teach you to be rich” has a great overview of how to best leverage credit cards, high yield savings accounts, setting up automatic investments, saving, and lots of other ‘good to know’ topics about money.
For investing specifically I use the Boglehead method.
Watch videos from these three and you will learn a lot:
Ben Felix
Plain Bagle
Two Cents
Avoid any youtubers that give advice on specific stocks to buy. All mentioned above are professionals, with different specialities within finance and personal finance.
Also be very skeptical about cryptocurrencies. If you really want to invest in it, then consider a very low allocation. Maybe 1-2% of your net wealth. Most cryptocurrencies and projects are a scam. The youtubers I suggested do not promote crypto, or specific stocks.
I am not a professional, so keep that in mind :)
Bogleheads, and the bogleheads guide to investing®_personal_finance_planning_start-up_kit'_Guide_To_Investing
I’m very glad that someone recommended me bogleheads, after reading, I was able to open up a roth and contribute yearly which may be one of the best personal finance decisions I’ve made.
As for personal finance, The Investment Answer is a little dated now, but still good for the basics. It’s a short book. I’ve never looked at Bogleheads, but I suspect it’s along the same lines because folks there seemed to like it 13 years ago.