Horizontally stitched screenshots showing a Google Meet call on the iPhone where the microphone mute icon is highlighted in active mute status while the lock screen displays a mute icon which is not selected and inactive.
Always been this way for months. IIRC, the lock screen mute button is nonfunctional. Mute functionality detailed here.
Latest Versions: iOS 17.6.1, Google Meet 260.0
I should report this bug to Google and not Apple, right?
doesn’t this mean you muted it for google meet but not for IOS?
I hopped on a meeting with myself for further testing.
Thus, my perception is that there is unexpected and/or inconsistent behavior here, because the initial Google Meet mute status does not propagate to the iOS lock screen. There does not seem to be an advantage to muting from Google Meet instead of the lock screen because the microphone is unavailable in other apps anyway.