Love to see upgrades with a negative net size lmao. Software should get more optimized with time, not more bloated. Oop, just got the gnome console popup notification saying that my install command finished running, sweet – it took as long as making this post
OS is bloat, if you’re not shifting CPU registers by hand are you even a Linux user?
No, because Linux is a kernel/OS, and OS is bloat
Exactly, you boot the kernel, then get out the electron microscope to twiddle those bits (which is why Linux users are perverts)
electron microscope
Bloat, why should my microscope be running an entire chromium browser?
So tired of android eating my carefully set aside free space.
Thanks for the reminder to update
Good luck, soldier!
I keep forgetting to run apt autoremove to save even more space.
Wow I’ve never had an update with so few packages.
Out of all the comments here hahaha this is the one that gets me lmao
You haven’t had an update with less than 52 packages?? Ever??
I rarely update more than once a week at most. It’s more like twice a month usually.