Physical media is clunky and obsolete, you can store the contents of an entire 90s era video store on a cigarette pack sized device nowadays. The solution to streamer wars is to stop pussyfooting around and just pirate shit.
I have insisted on physical media for my stuff since the dawn of MP3’s - in the form of hard disk drives. That’s the physical media MVP in my book.
It’s not dead and never will die. It just will never be mainstream ever again
The only downside to the loss of physical media - whether it be music, movie or software - has been the inverse relationship to how much of any of those you actually own.
The only downside to the loss of physical media
and the fact that it can easily be stolen. I’ve had multiple large CD catalogues stolen, both in college and as an adult. Thousands and thousands of dollars of music <poof> gone.
No one has stolen my ripped music.
YMMV, but CDs are easy to gank enmasse. If it was all vinyl they would have had to take multiple trips pushing a dolly.
Really? No company has ever stopped supporting something you bought so that it was no longer usable? No lost software, hardware, games, apps? Gameservers shut down so you can’t play online? Live connections shut down so you can’t start the game? Licensing servers offline so you can’t open the software at all? No lost identifying information in hacks? No service bankruptcy or buyout cost you a purchase? You don’t see as having to pay, over and over again, to listen to the same songs that you no longer own, as a kind of theft?
All of these have a price. Maybe you could rationalize it in the legalese of some EULA that it isn’t theft when you lose any of these things, but nonetheless they were taken from you without compensation. Theft of a legal kind.
you’re picking a fight that doesn’t exist.
have fun talking to yourself.
I like how they used a shitty cheaply made chinese cassette radio for the front picture. I can’t even really fault them; all the remotely decent ones are decades old and collector’s items…
Same goes for turntables, decent new ones that are selling for a couple of thousand dollars are still garbage compared to even an entry-level Technics deck from the 80s.