Each certification has different requirements? Whaaaat? I always thought I only need to learn one thing! My live is a lie…
Each certification has different requirements? Whaaaat? I always thought I only need to learn one thing! My live is a lie…
Remember when you had to have extremely niche knowledge of “banks” in a microcontroller to be able to use PWM on 2 pins with different frequencies?
Yes, I remember what a pile of shit it was to try and find out why xyz is not working while x and y and z work on their own. GPT usually gets me there after some tries. Not to mention how much faster most of the code is there, from A to Z, with only little to tweak to get it where I want (since I do not want to be hyper specific and/or it gets those details wrong anyway, as would a human without massive context).
Even with those only 5 points ahead? Are you fucking kidding me? Is everyone stupid?
Good thing we have those critics telling us that. Imagine if they didn’t! Holy cow what a world that would be, you might end up with a fascist government!
This is exactly what I was going to write!
Is it the classical ZnS based stuff that fades within minutes or the modem strontiumaluminate (like luminova) that lasts for hours?
I do not get it. What is it showing us?
Huh, how to add that to raw files? Interesting.
Another OP with some pixelated shait.
Thank you. Why did OP do this to us?
While a DSLR and similar devices have a dynamic range of something like 14 and more bits at ISO 100, where you lose a whole lot when compressing to 8 bits of a JPG, raws from smartphones contain next to no additional information. Actually the JPG is usually better because of how well tuned the post processing is. Giving me better control over white balance while taking the picture is the only thing that is really missing.
I have to click on it in the post to see the “full” (aka more than 128x128 of a Nokia) pixels.
This is happening all over the world. The USA are just a little further ahead compared to Europe.
I have never seen this happen. I am sure it happens. Perhaps we can leave these toxic people behind. Regardless of gender, color, …
Karma how?