Every game they release runs like dogshit at best at launch. Something noone ever seems to remember.
I wonder how they gonna fuck it up this time.Hear about cool game.
Put it on your steam wishlist.
When it goes on sale for 50% off, then you check the recent reviews. If it’s mostly positive still, pick it up.That’s my rule for almost every game and it hasn’t failed me yet.
Sure for the most part, but Steam reviews aren’t always the most credible
I’m sure we both know plenty of games where their user rating doesn’t quite reflect the game (personal experience or objectively)Sure, but that’s typically during the release window. Once the dust settles, the recent reviews are usually pretty accurate.
I almost never buy a game within the first 6 months, and typically over a year later, so the bugs are usually squashed or permanent by that time.
Let’s hope the mirco-stutters are minimal.