If I was buying mystery boxes of mystery shit on the deep web and ended up with a box of girl scout cookies I wouldn’t even be mad.
That’s the genius of it. Oh, my box is Thin Mints? Cool! Especially when you have had a few days to think of all the worse things it could have been.
What flavor we talkin here?
Cops secretly love it when you prove that you’ve not broken the law. They will test you by contradicting you, but you just gotta raise your voice and gesticulate wildly, and they will come around to your way of thinking. The longer you argue your point, the more they will respect you
Make sure to work in case law and constitutional amendments, cops are actually legal scholars are really like discussing the minutia of judicial opinions.
Bonus points for incorporating that you’re a sovereign citizen.
Go online
Post advertisement for obvious scam
Get no sales
Spend more money on advertising
Get a few tiny nibbles at my scam
Spend enormous amounts of money on advertising
Finally, some traction. Approaching break-even point. I can see the light of day on the horizon. Perhaps I can turn a profit in another few months.
Look at my budget. Oops! All Advertising!
Realize I could have operated a real for-profit business that made something useful and turned a profit much faster