I wouldn’t wish that crowd on anyone.
I worked at a place where tips are very uncommon. A lady gave me one of those fake $20’s once in a little envelope and I was fucking stoked. Put it in my pocket til break time n went to grab some lunch compliments of the nice customer. Go to pay, open the envelope and pull out this bullshit Jesus ad. I almost blew a gasket. I splurged on a nicer lunch that was outside of my budget thinking hey, it’s free. Why not? I was never nice to that lady again.
“The power of Christ compels you!”
Close. The followers of Christ repulse me.
Well, if the restaurant is opened when church ends, it means the workers in it didn’t go to church.
In the name of who would you be kind to someone that doesn’t go to church ? God ? Oh, wait…
Having worked in several restaurants, the sunday after church crowd were DEFINATIVELY the worst custoners we would have all week.
You can meet all of them at the local Golden Corral, Sunday at noon.
My grandma’s spot with all the little old ladies was a McDonald’s almost half an hour away from the church. They’d all migrate there, show up at wildly different times, order a single drip coffee each, and take up several tables for hours. They mostly talked about who was the latest to die in the group. It was wild