It lacked gameplay in general. Leaned way too hard on the broken, shallow melee combat and was far too long and padded for the amount of gameplay it had.
They clearly wasted money on the actors and graphics instead of making a solid gameplay loop.
The ludo narrative gap between how people behave and how a layman understands prisons work is what put us off of it.
Need bullets for your gun? Kill some prison monsters, they have them for some reason.
Why do people need to be sent to prison planet? Space travel must be so cheap, and the real estate market so awful in this future.
Ya know what every prison planet with automated shotgun robots needs? A 3d printer to make more guns… Drive down the value of smuggled weapons 🤣
I enjoyed it as is. Probably put 40 hours or more into it. But I played it on PC so maybe it has patches to make it better by then?