Despite much information on the internet Bendelladj did not get sentenced to death, and claims saying he donated any money to charity are almost impossible to verify. Trial documents did not mention any donations or charity activities, making the claim of charity disputed and not known for sure.
Is there any proof of the charity claims? Because Wikipedia gives nothing
Homeboy probably spent .000001% of the money on PR, bought a shitton of bitcoin with the rest, go to jail a few years, buy an island when he gets out, maybe Trump will be willing to sell Greenland to him at that point who knows
That article doesn’t cite anything either, only that “some sources say” he donated some of the money. A far cry from the claim that he donated all of the stolen $4b.
Al-Jazeera is not a credible source
More credible than most US media conglomerate news sources
Oh my God, could there be alternatives somewhere between the US and radical Islamists? 😱
not a credible source
So like the New York Times?
Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER (-3.2) Factual Reporting: MIXED (4.7) Country: Qatar MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM Media Type: TV Station Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
Yeah no.
Even his prison guards are smiling. One on the left looks like he admires him.
He is about to give him a happy ending
I’ll be honest. Charity aside, I like that the guy kicked the banks in the dick.
Robinhooding never looked so fiiiine. 👀
I doubt he’ll still be smiling after 15 years in a Thai prison.
According to his Wikipedia article, he was sentenced in the US so I suppose he is in an American prison.
I guess that’s slightly better.
Probably not
Cool motive, still theft.
Cool motive, if true this man helped more people than most people will or have ever done.
Theft against banks.
Banks usually hold other people’s money.
Banks are insured, along with all accounts under $250k. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had to worry about going over the FDIC limit.
Relevant username.
Damn, you got me. Totally never seen that one before on the internet.
To be clear, I’m not defending the banks at all here, but this isn’t the most ethical way to give to charity, and we don’t actually know if he did give it all away.
No revolution was fought peacefully… You can’t bring systemic change if you’re gonna stay within the confines of the system…