If you are an American and care about privacy:
- Write your representatives. Your message can be as simple as “I care about privacy”. It’s important they know you are watching their votes.
- Participate in elections, particularly downballot elections. Congressional makeup at the federal and state level matters a lot more for these kinds of things than who is president. Many recent laws like “right to repair” etc have happened at the state level since you can bypass federal congressional gridlock.
- Participate in primaries. Most Americans do not vote, most voters do not vote in primaries. If you don’t like having to choose “the lesser of two evils”, primaries give you much much more choice to express your preferences. As a primary voter, you have an outsized influence on the electoral system and can help determine the options other people get to choose from.
- Donate to PACs and non-profits working to protect your right to privacy. The EFF is an awesome non-profit. One benefit of donating to PACs is that they keep an eye on races across the country and help find and fund candidates who will advanced privacy legislation.
- “Vote with your dollar” when you buy things. In many cases, your purchasing power outweighs the political power of your vote.
Which part of “The people who produce or distribute” you don’t understand??
dude named The Big Brother defending this is just perfect.
Sending nudes to your partner counts as production and distribution of pornography
This obviously deserves the death penalty
What part of “Pornography should be outlawed” don’t you understand. That also entails owning and viewing porn.
Outlawed isn’t equal to prison, it could be just a penalty fee, so it’s not like if you see pornography you will go to jail like OP make it look.
Wokie sensationalism not too much different than west media propaganda tbh.
Holy fucking shit how have you not learned to shut your dumb redneck mouth after being downvoted of every one of your last 100 comments.
The dudes a troll mate. His name is BigBrother.